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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Aug 12, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

12 August 2018

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the very moment of his public life, Jesus was obedient to the will of his father. Translated: he gave himself without constraint to his mission.

His enemies, his friends, even members of his family could not understand this. The only way I can understand it is by willing, wanting to do God’s will myself.  To the extent that I comply myself in doing God’s will each moment of the day, I participate in Jesus’ life, I become a member of his family.

So what about his mission? It was to engage in a life-to-death contest with Satan. If I respond to the call he gives me, I too must train myself to accept no compromises with our mutual adversary

What will be my weapon? The Holy Spirit. He gives me the light to see where Satan lies waiting to attack. If I refuse that light, I will grope in the dark, not knowing how, where or when Satan will strike. Resolution: a keener intimacy with the Holy Spirit through daily prayers to him for light for myself and for others.

  August 12th, 2018