Ignatian Reflections

13 September 2018 «

Written by Stefanus Hendrianto S.J. | Sep 13, 2018 4:00:00 AM

13 September 2018

Thursday of the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time

“’But not in all is knowledge,’ saith he. What knowledge doth be mean? about God, or about things offered in sacrifice to idols? For either he here glances at the Greeks who say that there are many gods and lords, and who know not Him that is truly God; or at the converts from among Greeks who were still rather infirm, such as did not yet know clearly that they ought not to fear idols and that an idol is nothing in the world. But in saying this, he gently soothes and encourages the latter. For there was no need of mentioning all he had to reprove, particularly as he intended to visit them again with more severity.” (St. John Chrysostom, Homilies on First Corinthians)

In the first reading today, we hear that St. Paul was addressing the Corinthians who are knowledgeable meat eaters. The Corinthians believe that they must have appropriate knowledge to know God. But St. Paul comes with a counter argument that our understandings about the crucified Christ is not simply about knowledge, but also about love. Moreover, Paul criticizes the behavior of the meat-eating Corinthians who are very self-centered. Paul wants to remind the Corinthians that Christ died for us when we all are weak. However, the strong meat-eating Corinthians are trying to exercise all of their strength in building a relationship with Christ.

In your prayer today, imagine yourself having a conversation with Jesus.  In this conversation, offer your weakness to Jesus. Imagine that Jesus is present here.  Speak to him about the ways you will find strength in your weakness. Do you feel weak enough in front of Christ?

  September 13th, 2018