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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Oct 17, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

17 October 2018

Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr

St. Paul tells me in the 1st reading that the Holy Spirit, – the Spirit of Jesus, who came to me at baptism, was intensified at Confirmation and is given to me daily according to the Father’s will, – is a Spirit of freedom.

This freedom is not license to act in contradiction of love of another person (immorality, cheating) or of the love of God (idolatry of persons, places or things) or of the love of my neighbor (jealousy, hatred) or freedom to degrade another’s dignity (drugs, excessive drinking parties). It is the freedom from any thing, any one that separate me from God’s personal love for me.

The Holy Spirit gives me the love that translates itself in “peace and joy” deep within me, as well as signs of his abiding presence – patience, kindness, generosity; and it is the soil in which the seed of his presence germinates – faith, kindness and self-control.

Today I shall pray to our heavenly Father that he send an abundance of the Spirit of Jesus to me and to those I live with and love.  

  October 17th, 2018