Ignatian Reflections

18 October 2018 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Oct 18, 2018 4:00:00 AM

18 October 2018

Feast of Saint Luke, evangelist

Jesus, more than all of up gathered together, knows the weight of the burden he has given to the Church. His words today are more meaningful than ever before. 

When he sent his disciples out on a mission, he noted the disproportion between the enormity of their task and the smallness of their number.

Rather than being a cause of discouragement, he made this situation an invitation to prayer. The true apostle is one who knows his limits and who therefore relies more on prayer.

What an encouraging Gospel today as the Church struggles over the consequences of the sex scandals that weigh heavily on so many and when droves, especially among the young, are leaving the Church. 

This situation makes it easier for the disciple today not to rely on his own talents, but to extend peace to the brokenhearted and to become more trusting in Christ’s presence; “trustworthy in the ministry” like St. Luke, whose feast it is today, and more a person of prayer.

  October 18th, 2018