Ignatian Reflections

23 October 2018 «

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Oct 23, 2018 4:00:00 AM

23 October 2018

Optional Memorial of St. John of Capistrano, Priest

St. Paul insists that the time of estrangement from the promises of God and the hope He offers has come to an end. We can no longer claim to be far off from God and His holy ones. Rather, in giving Himself to the point of giving His own Blood, Christ has drawn us near to God. Indeed, by that Blood we are made part of the family, members of the household of God. (Ephesians 2:19) We are called then to be vigilant, to be watchful and expectant for this Lord. Such vigilance, the act of looking for the Lord and His actions in our lives is itself a practice by which we are united to our Master. Indeed, it is only when we practice looking with hopeful hearts for the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise of nearness that we perceive that He comes and knocks throughout our lives.

  October 23rd, 2018