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David Paternostro S.J.Nov 4, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

4 November 2018

Thirtyfirst Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our faith should be more than a bumper sticker. When the Scribe answers Jesus, he does not just parrot Jesus’ words back at Him like a good teacher’s pet. Instead, “the Scribe answered with understanding” (Mk. 12:34). He not only affirms Jesus’ words, but notes that to follow these words “is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices” (Mk. 12:33). The Scribe sees the value of loving God and one’s neighbor, and for this reason answers with understanding.​

​The wisdom of the Scribe should challenge us all: how do we make the words of Jesus more than just pat phrases or slogans? Part of the answer comes from the Scribe’s own reply. He sees that the inner disposition is what matters, rather than putting on a nice show. We don’t need an audience. The attention of an audience is fleeting. The approval of those who like the latest slogan you have put on your car is superficial. We need relationships with actual depth.

Ultimately, we need to know how much we are loved by God. Whatever else may happen in life, we matter to God. Moreover, we can experience how much we are loved by God when we think of all the times God invites us into a relationship with Him. Through Scriptures, sacraments, and saints, God is constantly showing us who He is, how much He loves us, and how we can love Him. God gains nothing from a relationship with us, yet He wants one all the same. There is only one God, Who loves us unconditionally and without self-interest. We are loved by Him, and we matter to Him. Accept no substitutes.

  November 4th, 2018