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David Paternostro S.J.Nov 6, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

6 November 2018

Feast of all Jesuit Souls

​Today, Jesuits pray for our deceased brethren who are still in Purgatory as they prepare themselves for their final reward. Between going to a Jesuit high school and now having been a Jesuit myself for 13 years, I have known many Jesuits as teacher, president, brother, or friend, who have left this earth. I pray that if they are not yet purified enough to enter Heaven, they are being purified now. Perhaps you have also come to know many great Jesuits, and likewise hope that they are in the process of receiving their reward.

​Yet if they were so great, why Purgatory? In short, because people are complicated. Because we may be wonderful and generous in one area, but have need for growth in another. Because we may be “pretty good” overall, but not quite at “heavenly perfection” levels. The first reading today says that Jesus “emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave” (Phil. 2:7). To empty oneself not just of all the dignity that comes from being human, but divine, is unimaginably generous. They were great men, they were generous men, but not all of them were at that level of generosity—nor am I, if I am honest with myself. Knowing there are so many wonderful Jesuits who have the benefit of Purgatory gives me hope for them, and for myself.

  November 6th, 2018