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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Dec 12, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

12 December 2018

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

 “Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste,” are the words that immediately follow the story of the Annunciation of our Lord. Our Blessed Mother has just agreed to carry in her womb the Son of the Most High. Could there be a greater task taken on by any individual in all of human history?

Well aware of the mission with which she has been entrusted, Mary does not become a recluse. She does not stay indoors for nine months avoiding the dangers and perils of the outside world. No. Charged with the Holy Spirit and God’s grace, our Blessed Mother goes out into the world in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth, to share her joy and to support her in her pregnancy.

Mary goes out into the world, announcing the joy of salvation. The feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which we celebrate today is testament to this.

In all we do, our tasks large and small, may we become more aware that we too are charged with the task of announcing the joy of salvation to others. Let us ask for our Mother’s intercession, that like her, we may be fearless, ever-trusting in God and his grace.

  December 12th, 2018