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David Paternostro S.J.Jan 6, 2019 12:00:00 AM1 min read

6 January 2019

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

Epiphany is the culmination and conclusion of the Christmas season. Fittingly, the apex of Christmas is a feast where we see Jesus is not simply known by family or those who happened to be nearby, but that Jesus has made Himself known to the whole world. Like Christmas, though, Epiphany cannot just be a one time event. Christ needs to be made known to the whole world again and again, and we must help Him in this mission.

Sharing Christ so openly may seem like an odd thing in our modern world, when religion tends to be relegated to one’s private life. How can we impose our views on others? But if we think of the Epiphany as less of an imposition and more of an introduction, we can get a little nearer to how we ought to make Jesus known to the world.

The invitation of Epiphany trusts that people are more alike than they are different—that poor Jewish shepherds and wealthy Persian Magi will both delight in the presence of Jesus. When the star guides the Magi, it silently invites them to experience something wonderful. The invitation of Epiphany is about sharing joy. Hopefully this Christmas season has reminded us what a joy it is to have the infant Jesus among us. As we invite others to share in our joy, we trust the things that bring us true joy will likewise bring true joy to them, and so extend the invitation of Epiphany to all the world.

  January 6th, 2019