Ignatian Reflections

8 January 2019 «

Written by David Paternostro S.J. | Jan 8, 2019 5:00:00 AM

8 January 2019

Tuesday after Epiphany

The Apostles want to send the people elsewhere, and Jesus will have none of it. When the Apostles see the hungering crowds and wish to send them away for food, Jesus simply responds “Give them some food yourselves” (Mk. 6:37). If the people’s needs are to be met apart from Jesus, they might as well stay with the Apostles, for all the good it will do them. The Apostles do not have what the people need, but then again, neither do the local merchants—not really. The only One who has what the people need is Jesus.

Hopefully we can all think of ways that Jesus has aided us in life. The grace, peace, and true friendship with God that can only come from Jesus. Being able to call upon God’s name and look upon God’s face. Christmas reminds us of the difference that Jesus makes, while Epiphany reminds us of the need to share Jesus—and the difference He makes—with the whole world. There is so much that only Jesus can do. Do not send people off elsewhere or settle for less. Let them be fed by Him, in ways we cannot even imagine.

  January 8th, 2019