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Richard Nichols S.J.Apr 10, 2019 12:00:00 AM1 min read

10 April 2019

Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent

The third chapter of the book of Daniel relates how three young men chose to remain faithful to the covenant of their ancestors by refraining from idol worship.  I would like to propose three points for your prayer today.

First, try to see that idol in your imagination. The scriptures do not say what the shape of the idol was, only that it was about ninety feet tall and nine feet wide and covered in gold.

Second, try to imagine the music of the worshippers. The scriptures relate that there was a horn, a pipe, a zither, a dulcimer, a harp, a double-flute, and other musical instruments.  Perhaps there were other instruments, too.  How does the music sound?  Scripture does not say, so let your imagination supply the answer.

Third, recall that idol worship has not been abolished by the passing of centuries, but only transformed.  Some of the old idols are gone, but new ones have taken their place.  Therefore, how can you, in imitation of those three young men from the third chapter of Daniel, remain faithful to the covenant of your ancestors in the faith? How can you refrain from idol worship? What would it mean for you to withdraw from entire assemblies engaged in idolatry?  Consider this carefully while asking God to bless you with insight.

  April 10th, 2019