Ignatian Reflections

12 May 2019 «

Written by David Paternostro S.J. | May 12, 2019 4:00:00 AM

12 May 2019

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Safety is among the most basic of human needs. Until we have that reassurance, we will constantly be turning our minds back to our fears, playing over every scenario, second-guessing every shadow we see. This is true not only for our physical life, but also our spiritual life.

Jesus assures us in today’s gospel that our souls will always be safe. Without hesitation, He declares of His followers, “no one can take them out of my hand” (Jn. 10:29). Our souls are never beyond saving, and the grace God gives us will always be sufficient to keep us safe for the journey. No matter what danger you are worried about, a saint shows you that God’s grace will provide.

Worried that past sins will haunt you? Augustine and Ignatius lived dissolute lives until their conversions, but never turned back after. Worried physical suffering will tear you from God? Countless martyrs from Agnes and Justin to Edith Stein and Maximilian Kolbe show that God will keep you faithful in trials. Worried you cannot feel God’s presence? Mother Theresa went years without any experience of God’s love in her soul, yet persevered in following Jesus. Whatever danger you are worried about in your own life, look to a saint that has faced a similar danger. Our saints and history shows us clearly: God’s grace will keep you safe.


  May 12th, 2019