Ignatian Reflections

20 May 2019 «

Written by Stefanus Hendrianto S.J. | May 20, 2019 4:00:00 AM

20 May 2019

Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter

The phrase “devil’s advocate” is a common phrase these days, and we might understand it as a person who expresses a contentious opinion in order to provoke debate or test the strength of the opposing arguments. But the original term of Advocatus Diaboliis is a title given to one of the most important officers of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, established in 1587, by Pope Sixtus V during the Counter Reformation period to oversee the process of the beatification and canonization of saints. His duty requires him to prepare in writing all possible arguments, even at times seemingly slight, against the raising of any one to the sainthood. But the term devil’s advocate has been hijacked in the popular culture, especially after Hollywood released a movie under the same title in 1997, starred by Al Pacino.

The term paraclate (parakletos) is a key term in the Last Supper Discourse, as it appears four times during Jesus’ final conversation with his disciples. While this word is not easy to translate, I think the best translation will be the Holy Advocate. As a great Biblical Scholar Raymond Brown explains, “John presents the Paraclete as the Holy Spirit in a special role, namely as the personal presence of Jesus in the Christian while Jesus with the Father.” With the death of the disciples, the last human person who had a link to Jesus was gone.  The Christian might feel orphaned and abandoned. But the Holy Advocate (the Holy Spirit) comes to teach us about everything and remind us of what Jesus has said, and, more importantly to defend them against the evil one.

In your prayer today, you can ask yourself a question.  Where do I sense God’s advocacy? Do I feel the Holy Advocate (the Holy Spirit) present in shaping my life and defending me against the evil one? How do I hope to be taught so as to learn from the Holy Advocate (the Holy Spirit)? Talk to God about whatever may come to your mind in your prayer.  Through hope you will be closer to the Holy Advocate who will accompany you in your journey of life.

  May 20th, 2019