There is a prayer that St. Oscar Romero wrote early in his life, which captures the spirit of today’s readings. It says, “My God, help me, prepare me. You are everything. I am nothing. And yet your love calls me to be something great. Take heart. With your everything and with my nothing, we will do something great.”
Like every saint, Paul struggled to be a good Christian, not letting himself get in the way of God. He was well aware of his sins and weaknesses, and yet he heard the voice of God say to him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” With this mindset, Paul, Oscar Romero and so many others, let go of their worries with regards to their nothingness and proceeded confidently that God, who is everything, would do something great. We can do the same, we just have to stop letting our nothingness get in the way of God’s everything.