Ignatian Reflections

1 July 2019 «

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Jul 1, 2019 4:00:00 AM

1 July 2019

Monday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time.

Not according to our sins does he deal with us, nor does he requite us according to our crimes. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so surpassing is his kindness toward those who fear him.” (Ps 103:10-11)

The Lord’s desire for mercy is great indeed, as the Psalmist proclaims. As Abraham asks the Lord if he would spare the Cities of the Plain for the sake of a certain number of just persons in their midst, he comes to see more and more profoundly the depths of the Lord’s mercy and patience. Even though so many have committed awful injustices, the Lord is still willing to spare all for the sake of ten who are seeking to do what is right. Abraham’s example may lead us to consider how deeply we have investigated God’s mercy. In a place where crying prayers are being raised up on all sides for an end to the violent injustices being committed (prayers to which the Lord is certainly attentive), Abraham searches also for those in need of mercy (a search that shows him to be a man after the Lord’s own heart). Where are we tempted to see only injustice, only what is to be punished and rejected? Are we willing to search out what or who is to be saved in their midst? The Lord looks for the just and calls us to do the same.

  July 1st, 2019