Ignatian Reflections

2 July 2019 «

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Jul 2, 2019 4:00:00 AM

2 July 2019

Tuesday of the Thirteenth Week of Ordinary Time

In order to save the just, the Lord has Lot and his family leave Sodom, yet Lot hesitates. The cause of this hesitation is not explained, but its solution is: the Lord’s messengers take Lot and his family by the hand and lead them to safety. Why does Lot hesitate? Perhaps he cannot imagine leaving the familiar (albeit unbearable) life which he has been leading on the Plain. Perhaps he thinks only of the evils that could be awaiting him and his family if they make their way through and out of the city.

This week the Church prays that “we may not be wrapped in the darkness of error, but always be seen to stand in the bright light of truth.” (Opening Prayer) The Lord calls us into the light of truth and justice.  We want to follow that call and yet at times we hesitate. Perhaps we cannot imagine leaving a job or challenging a relationship in our life that manifestly does not glorify God and does not serve others. Perhaps we are afraid to address a situation in which we find ourselves and which we know to be unjust. The Lord desires our salvation. He calls us in the midst of such work, relationships, and circumstances to follow Him and to do what we know is right and just. If we are hesitating, then in the proclamation of His Word today, in the reception of His Body and Blood, let us see the Lord taking us by the hand, leading us to act honestly and bravely to dwell with Him, speaking up at work, purifying the relationship, getting out of the situation and encouraging others to do the same. As we see in the Gospel, Jesus swiftly answers our call for safety and salvation. His desire to be merciful to us is far greater than our desire to let His mercy in. Let us turn to Him and not be afraid.

  July 2nd, 2019