Ignatian Reflections

16 July 2019 «

Written by David Paternostro S.J. | Jul 16, 2019 4:00:00 AM

16 July 2019

Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

​The wonders of Jesus should provoke a reaction in us. Not complacency, not reassurance, but repentance. When Jesus rebukes the towns of Chorazin and Bethsaida, it is that they have seen His goodness and power, and yet failed to repent. When we are face to face with God’s limitless goodness, our own limitations and evil becomes all too obvious. Jesus provides healing and comfort, while I am so often the source of injury and disturbance. Jesus acts from pure love, while my own motives are often mixed, at best.

​However, we may take comfort in knowing that Jesus’ repentance is always offered to us. Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, commemorating when Mary gave the Brown Scapular to St. Simon Stock. Of all the promises of the Brown Scapular, perhaps the most famous is that she will pray for those who wear it, and be with them at their death to guide them to Heaven. For all His rebukes, Jesus never abandons us, never stops offering us His mercy—yet another sign of His goodness. All we need do is repent and accept His goodness.

  July 16th, 2019