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David Paternostro S.J.Jul 18, 2019 12:00:00 AM1 min read

18 July 2019

Thursday of the Fifteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Jesus reassures us today that “my yoke is easy, and my burden light” (Mt. 11:30). As comforting as that statement may be, it is not at all intuitive. Many people have suffered horribly for the sake of the gospel. Plenty who were not been killed have endured ridicule, torment, and everything short of actual martyrdom. Even individuals who have suffered no persecution have sometimes needed to undertake arduous labors for the sake of Jesus. At the end of her life, in a mystical vision, Teresa of Avila once remarked to Jesus “if this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so few!” The yoke of Jesus does not always seem easy.

How is it, then, that Jesus can say these things? The first thing to remember is that no matter what happens to us in life, no matter who we follow, there will be suffering. The difference is that we are no longer alone. If we suffer while following Jesus, we do not suffer alone. Suffering in loneliness is among the worst of all sufferings. Shared suffering gives a companion and some measure of solace. Our Lord will not wave a magic wand to eliminate suffering, but He will see to it that we are never lonely.

  July 18th, 2019