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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.Aug 19, 2019 12:00:00 AM1 min read

19 August 2019

Monday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s gospel tells the story of the rich young man. What’s striking about the youth is that he is a seeker. He’s looking for answers, looking for truth. In spite of his many possessions, they have not filled him entirely. He would not be turning to Jesus so eagerly otherwise. However, his quest takes a complete halt when Jesus asks him to let go of everything he owns. He walks away, incapable of understanding his life without his possessions.

Giving up our comfort and security is a tough thing to do, but Jesus asks us to do it daily. We cannot be certain of anything but God. We might fool ourselves to think otherwise but doing so will result in a life that lacks authenticity. The bare truth is not so deep inside, we have a poverty, a hunger that only God can satisfy. We may try to cover it up with externals like relationships and material goods, but we are hungry, needy creatures. What a gift that God himself has come to dwell among us, to feed us and to make us rich in his love. The choice to embrace this love and nourishment is ours, every day.

  August 19th, 2019