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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Aug 29, 2019 12:00:00 AM1 min read

29 August 2019

Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist

Where could one find a more dramatic story! With gladness and enthusiasm John announced Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah. Then, he boldly chastised Herod for his sinful misdeeds, confident, no doubt that the Lamb of God would support him.

But no support came. Instead, he was arrested, chained and thrown into a dark prison. Where was the Messiah? He sent friends to ask Jesus if he was really the promised one. Jesus confirmed his works testified he was, but John remained holed up in his cell.

What could his thoughts have been? Where in reality was this self-styled shepherd that would lay down his life for his sheep? Today we can see the Lord’s plan making John “the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven,” but then it was hidden. What is the lesson here for me?

Do ever wonder why Christ sleeps when I need him? Can John the Baptist give me the answer? Also: how many present-day John the Baptist rot today in Chinese prisons?  Do I ever think of them, pray for them? And how about Cardinal Pell . . .?

Does this Gospel pull me out of myself to deepen my faith? Does it encourage me to pray for others, especially modern-day martyrs like John the Baptist?

  August 29th, 2019