The Pharisees see too little. They only see what they want to do, and pay no attention to the world around them. Wisdom sees the larger picture, contemplating all things from the highest vantage point. It is aware of the world, and aware of the role one plays in the world. It accepts this role, it accepts the others who are in the world, it accepts God as the Creator of all things in the world, the One who gives each their part to play. Wisdom ties it all together.
Our challenge is to see not only our own part, but to see it in context of the whole. When I teach theater to high school students, this is what I stress: not only to know your own lines, but to be aware of others, to be mindful of your director, and to be generous in responding to whatever happens on stage, planned or not. To ask, “what am I to others, and what are we all to God?” is to begin to ask the questions of the wise person.