Mary Magdalene began following Jesus after He exorcised her. He did not just exorcise her of one demon, either. Luke tells us that “seven demons had gone out” of her (Lk. 8:1). Mary Magdalene would later be one of the few who stood by Jesus as He hung upon the Cross. She would be the first to bring news of the Resurrection to the Apostles, being known even by the title “Apostle to the Apostles” for this service. Mary Magdalene was among Jesus’ most faithful and ardent disciples, and it began when He cast seven demons out of her.
If we wish to follow Jesus as Mary Magdalene did, we must name clearly those ways in which Jesus has helped us. If we simply say “I was a sinner, but now I am fine” or speak in general terms of how we have been blessed, the reality will not sink in. If the reality does not sink in, it cannot take root and remain with us even in hard times. We must know and put clearly before our minds the ways in which Jesus has set us free from our absolute slavery to sin, the ways in which we have been under the yoke of the Devil. If we can do this, we, too, can have the gratitude and love of Mary Magdalene, and one day also have her devotion to Jesus.