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Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.Sep 23, 2019 12:00:00 AM2 min read

23 September 2019

Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest

There was a tradition in the Old Novitiate of the former Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus, that before a Jesuit Novice professed their perpetual vows, they must pick a Vow Crucifix. Before I professed my vows, I picked a vow crucifix of a Belgium born Jesuit, Lom Loyens, who later became the Provincial of the former Oregon Province. One of the interesting things about this vow crucifix is that it has an attachment, a relic of St. Padre Pio. Someone asked me how I could be sure that this relic is really a hair of Padre Pio.  The answer is I don’t know, but I trust the judgement of the previous owner of the crucifix that he truly attached a relic of St. Padre Pio. Regardless of the validity of this relic, I think that this relic is a sign of abiding grace.  St. Padre Pio had been praying for me long before I entered the Novitiate and he continues to pray for me in my journey on the religious life.

Today, we celebrate the Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, commonly known as Padre Pio. Pope Francis in his address to the delegates of Padre Pio home diocese said the following

“He was distinguished for his steadfast faith in God, firm hope in the heavenly realities, generous dedication to the people, and fidelity to the Church, whom he always loved with all her problems and her adversities. I will pause a little on this. He loved the Church, with the many problems the Church has, with so many adversities, with so many sinners. Because the Church is holy, she is the Bride of Christ, but we, the children of the Church, are all sinners – some big ones! – but he loved the Church as she was, he did not destroy her with the tongue, as it is the fashion to do now. No! He loved her. He who loves the Church knows how to forgive, because he knows that he himself is a sinner and is in need of God’s forgiveness…Saint Padre Pio had both of these things; he loved the Church with all her problems and her adversities, with the sins of her children. Do not forget this.” (Greetings of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Archdiocese of Benevento, February 20, 2019)

Some of us may have specific devotion to Padre Pio and some may not.  Regardless of your close connection with this great saint, it is worthwhile to reflect on Pope Francis’s invitation to us to imitate Padre Pio in our prayer life, and, patiently and heroically embrace the suffering in this world.

  September 23rd, 2019