Ignatian Reflections

29 September 2019 «

Written by Michael Maher S.J. | Sep 29, 2019 4:00:00 AM

29 September 2019

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The readings today speak of the proper allocation of resources. Both Amos and Luke provide a stern rebuke to those who wallow in excess while others writhe in want. The condemnation of those who hoard, heard in today’s readings, reflect the volatility of the question of wealth distribution which touches all aspects of society. Responses to the problem of poverty frequently look to legislation and government action. Today’s readings take a different path by challenging individuals to respond to the needs of others. In this more personal approach, the example of Mother Teresa of Calcutta serves as an example. Mother Teresa’s way, like her namesake Teresa of the Little Flower, saw the efficacy of starting small. Engagement with people was fundamental for Mother Teresa and its opposite is seen in today’s readings. The separation between those who have and those that have not, existed for the rich man both in this life and the next. The more we move towards conversation and being with people, the better the chances will be for a stronger solution for moving towards human dignity and respect for every person.

  September 29th, 2019