Ignatian Reflections

4 October 2019 «

Written by Michael Maher S.J. | Oct 4, 2019 4:00:00 AM

4 October 2019

Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi

This week contains the recognition of two of the most beloved saints, Teresa of The Little Flower and Francis of Assisi. Polling popular opinion comes at some risk, but if a poll were take as to why these saints are so popular my suspicion would rest in the fact that there message was clear. Great heroes and dramatic events make for great stories but the simple struggles and success in these struggles has a greater resonance for most of us who wrestle with limited abilities. For those of us in this camp, we are encouraged by someone like ourselves who makes a success with what he or she has. In the case of both Francis and Teresa, the success came in what they give up. Perhaps today’s recollection of St Francis may give us a nudge towards the realization that what we think we need and we want actually gets in the way of making us truly happy. We may not be called to the poverty of St. Francis, but the simplicity of his life reminds us of the maxim, less, frequently, is more.

  October 4th, 2019