Thursday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time
“… whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” (Rom 14:8) Christ, Lord of all, has sought us in death and in life. All belong to Jesus, and He seeks each of us with ardent love. How greatly do we desire to be found? Like the sheep in the parable, we are free to wander, to become or to be lost, to stray from the One who is Love. Do we exercise our freedom to allow the seeking Christ to find us?
Christ tells the pharisees who critique the sinners who seek to listen to Him: ‘Hear how much I seek the lost that is mine! Hear how much I rejoice, and all heaven with me, when my sheep whom I long for, whom I seek, who is my own and dear, when this one is found.’ We are the Lord’s, let us be open to His seeking for us. Let us let Him find us today, through His Word and in the Sacrament of His Love, the Eucharist.