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Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.Nov 26, 2019 12:00:00 AM2 min read

26 November 2019

Tuesday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

The Voyage of Life is a series of paintings created by Thomas Cole in 1842, which is an allegory of the four stages of human life: childhood, youth, manhood, and old age. The Youth painting shows a boy’s enthusiasm and energy as he is embarking on a journey with his boat and an angel bids him farewell from the shore. The scenery of the picture with its towering mountains depicts the ambition and dream of the boy to conquer the world. The young boy also boldly strives to reach an aerial castle, emblematic of the daydreams of “Youth” and its aspirations for glory and fame.

Today, we hear one of the pivotal moments in the Book of Daniel when he interprets the King’s dream. The story of Daniel resembles familiar stories from the Book of Genesis, the story of Joseph. They both are young men who has special gift to interpret dreams; they both exercise their gift in their foreign land and they both become trusted advisers of the King. The bottom line is Daniel and Joseph embody the piety in a foreign land and rise to the positions of power.  As young, they both might have their own dreams and ambitions. But, they did not let those ambitions control them.  Instead, they realize that God gives them a specific gift to deliver His people from foreign powers who oppresses them.

Today also marks the memorial St. John Berchmans, SJ, a patron saint of all scholastics of the Society of Jesus. Upon his entrance to the Novitiate, he had a dream that he was helping and teaching migrants from many different parts of Europe, so he began studying all the major European languages. He also wanted to work in China after ordination. But, he did not live to be ordained as he died at very young age of 22 for unknown causes following his participation in a public debate defending the faith.

St. John Berchmans did not found churches or publish a theological treatise, but his life reminds us that holiness can be found in our everyday life.

The testament of youth of the prophet Daniel and St. John Berchmans reminds us that God’s grace can surpass the age. God can work through the youth and build his Kingdom with the young ones. In prayer today, you can ask God for the graces that you need to become His instrument or the ambassador for His Kingdom. Or, pray for young people that God may use them for the greater glory of His Kingdom.

  November 26th, 2019