Ignatian Reflections

22 December 2019 «

Written by Ulises Covarrubias S.J. | Dec 22, 2019 5:00:00 AM

22 December 2019

Fourth Sunday of Advent

On the campus of Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, there is a statue of St. Joseph sitting while the child Jesus stands on his lap. As Joseph looks intently at the child, the child does not look back at him as he may have expected. Rather, the child Jesus is looking up toward Heaven. St. Joseph may very well be called the patron saint of unmet expectations.

In today’s gospel, we hear about how Joseph’s plans for an ordinary marriage are broken when he learns of Mary’s pregnancy. Later, his plans of “divorcing her quietly” are altered through the message received in his dream.  Mary’s child won’t be just any child, but the one who will “save his people from their sins.” Like all the people of Israel, Joseph hoped for the coming of the Lord, but he probably never expected Him to come in this way!

Yet, Joseph listened, let go of his expectations, and taking Mary into his home, lived with the Lord. A true model for us. This Advent, as we say, “Come, Lord Jesus!” let us, like St. Joseph, be prepared to receive Him in wonderful and unexpected ways.

  December 22nd, 2019