Saturday after Epiphany
“We also know that the Son of God has come and has given us discernment to know the one who is true. And we are in the one who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ.” (1 Jn 5:20)
“‘The one who has the bride is the bridegroom; the best man, who stands and listens for him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. So this joy of mine has been made complete. He must increase; I must decrease.’” (Jn 1:29-30)
At the beginning of this week we see the contrast between the reactions to Christ’s birth: the Magi coming to adore the One they rightly recognized as born for them and Herod seeking to kill the one he wrongly thought was in competition for his throne. Today, we hear the reaction of John the Baptist when he hears that more and more people are going to Jesus. He does not think that he is in some sort of contest with Christ. Rather, he discerns truly that Jesus is who he had been preparing people to welcome throughout his ministry at the Jordan. John then finds full joy in Christ coming and the people going to meet Him. In order to enter more and more into the wedding feast of Christ the bridegroom, John the best man worries less and less about his project of preparation.
As we reflect on the changes God has worked in us through Advent, Christmas, and now His manifestation at Epiphany, where have we seen God showing us more and more that He is here? How has Jesus shown us that we need not turn elsewhere or try to construct our own substitutions for His love? Let us ask the Lord to continue to show us where He wishes to increase in our lives, that we may recognize Him and adore Him there.