Ignatian Reflections

2 February 2020 «

Written by Michael Maher S.J. | Feb 2, 2020 5:00:00 AM

2 February 2020

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

There is a motivational saying that states: “Well begun is half done.” This may be somewhat simplistic, but it does point to the fundamental and presumed idea that if a project has a clear goal, that clarity helps direct the project. Today’s feast of the Presentation in the temple identifies the “project” of Jesus, as one who is dedicated to the Lord. The prophets Simeon and Anna foretold the work begun by this dedication, proclaiming that this Child will bring redemption to the House of Israel and will be a light for all nations. This theme of light is echoed in another aspect of today’s celebration, the feast of Candlemas, a custom practiced in which people would bring their candles to be blessed.  In the times prior to Edison’s light bulb, the world was lit by flame and the flame of the candle served as an allegory to the presence of Christ. By blessing candles, the light that shone in the house reflected the divine guidance of Christ.  Modernity has erased much of the rich symbolism which was anchored in a less technical society. Perhaps today’s feast can move us to reflect on the symbols given to us today and how we need to recall our fundamental goals and how we are moving towards them. And, like the Christians who have celebrated Candlemas and the Feast of the purification, we can recognize that moving towards the Light of Christ and following in his work, provides a direction for our lives that are well begun.

  February 2nd, 2020