Ignatian Reflections

3 March 2020 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Mar 3, 2020 5:00:00 AM

3 March 2020

Memorial of St. Katherine Anne Drexel

Today I shall spend some time with the first reading, praying I accept the Word of God humbly, with thirst and attention and an eagerness to put it into practice. Then, if I can, I shall read how St. Katherine Drexel could be a model for me to show how she would do it, were she in my shoes. No windy theories with that lady!

Now, for the Gospel. Lent is time when I should ask the Lord daily how to pray. To begin, I should reflect that he knows me better than I know myself. He waits for me to open my heart in simplicity and confidence. Forget the formulas. Stick with the meat.

How? He gives me the words that should nourish my prayer. After reflecting long on the words “Our Father”. I should ask him to show me his will each day, to give me the courage to put into practice the plan he designed for me when he created me, and to endow me with a special devotion to His daily bread, the Eucharist.

I’ll then ask him for the grace to be able to forgive others as He has forgiven me; to give wisdom and prudence to our ecclesiastical and state leaders so that all people will be better delivered from evil.

  March 3rd, 2020