Ignatian Reflections

13 March 2020 «

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Mar 13, 2020 4:00:00 AM

13 March 2020

Friday of the Second Week in Lent

We don’t like it when someone else has a relationship, or knowledge, or a favor that we don’t. Joseph had it all, and his brothers didn’t like it. We don’t like it when someone can see and have the courage to confront us about what we are doing wrong. We would rather change the fact that they confront us than we would change our actions which lead them to rebuke us. Can I recall the last time someone corrected me, pricked my conscience and made me recognize my error? Such moments are embarrassing, uncomfortable, and unwanted. Yet, it may be precisely in such moments that my heart is being opened to hear the beloved Son of the loving Father. It may be precisely that discomfort with the recognition of my present sin that opens me up to conversion and reconciliation. As we labor in the vineyard of the Lord, let us be attentive to the messengers He sends us, and above all to the Son He sends us. Let us ask for the grace of humility as we contemplate Jesus who suffered for us.

  March 13th, 2020