Ignatian Reflections

25 April 2020 «

Written by Sylvester Tan S.J. | Apr 25, 2020 4:00:00 AM

25 April 2020

Feast of Saint Mark, evangelist

What better way to celebrate Mark on this, his feast day, than to live out the invitation that Jesus gives us in today’s gospel (Mk 16:15-20)? Mark’s gospel is itself a witness to the fact that its author was faithful to Jesus’s command, for through that gospel, demons are driven out, people speak new languages, they are protected from the evil in their midst, and they are healed. Indeed, Mark’s words reveal themselves as a living Word: Jesus Christ, who offers himself through these scriptures.

This living Word is addressed to you! You, too, are sent to proclaim the gospel, and the truth of the gospel you preach and live through your life will be shown through the fruits of your life. Do you drive out demons, heal, speak new languages, and face evil without harm in Jesus Christ? You could! And maybe you do. All these things are signs of the life of Jesus Christ who lives in you so that you might offer your life in union to his self-gift. May we all ask for the grace to have the courage that Mark has, the courage to share the life of Jesus Christ and offer it through our lives, for the salvation of the whole world!

  April 25th, 2020