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Richard Nichols S.J.Apr 29, 2020 12:00:00 AM1 min read

29 April 2020

Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor of the Church

There were two men named Philip in the Acts of the Apostles.  One was an apostle and one was a deacon.  When a severe persecution broke out against the newly born Church in Jerusalem, the apostles chose to stay and face the consequences, while the deacons were scattered.  Was it that the apostles were, somehow, more courageous than the deacons?  That could hardly have been the case, given that it was one of the deacons who had already become the first Christian ever to win the crown of martyrdom: St. Stephen.  So, if it was not a matter of courage vs. cowardice, why did the apostles decide to stay in Jerusalem while the deacons decided to scatter?  The scriptures do not tell us explicitly, but it must have been a matter of prayer and of guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps one of the deacons, Philip, given his druthers, would have stayed in Jerusalem and faced the risk of martyrdom.  In any case, he submitted to the decision of the apostles and took the safer path.  What was the result?  His ministry bore great fruit.  The Acts of the Apostles tells us of his spectacular preaching, miracles and exorcisms.

Some day our Church leaders might ask us to face a grave threat or take a serious risk.  In the time of Coronavirus, they are asking many of us, instead, to play it safe.  Like Philip the deacon, let us accept their guidance either way, and like Philip, let us invest ourselves in proclaiming Christ faithfully, as best we can.

  April 29th, 2020