Ignatian Reflections

12 May 2020 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | May 12, 2020 4:00:00 AM

12 May 2020

Tuesday of Fifth Week of Easter

1st reading: Paul’s sermon was interrupted by a maelstrom of Irish confetti. Flattened, he was not out. His insight, as he lay stunned, was: “We must undergo many trials if we are to enter into the reign of God.” An understatement? Read his letters; read The Acts. But now, back to the subject.  The next day, he and Barnabas were on their way visiting towns, ordaining “elders”, i.e. priests, “in whom they put their faith.”

I will pray today that, as they dodge ubiquitous flying stones, our present bishops take a lesson from Paul, and also, that they will be able to place their hands on many more promising candidates, “in whom they put their faith,” especially for their own dioceses.

I shall also pray that bishops, priests, and laypeople become more convinced that “we must undergo many trials if we are to enter into the reign of God,” and that like Paul, we get up and do God’s will. I’ll ask for the grace to see the coronavirus tornedo attack in that light.

Gospel: Jesus repeats to each of us here and now the words he said to the apostles: “my peace is my gift to you.” He alone can protect us from fear, insecurity. I’ll ask him for his peace, and that he give it to all others. It is a peace that stems from the Eucharist. I’ll pray that the Eucharist will be available again for all believers, soon!

Resolve: I know that all Jesus came to accomplish on earth, he did. He was faithful to his Father’s will until the end. I shall pray today that this fact will strengthen my faith; will enable me to follow him more closely, even if a little flying stone or two may come my way.

  May 12th, 2020