Ignatian Reflections

11 June 2020 «

Written by David Paternostro S.J. | Jun 11, 2020 4:00:00 AM

11 June 2020

Memorial of Saint Barnabas, Apostle

We often forget that there were other Apostles besides the original Twelve and Paul. Yet Barnabas is as much an apostle as any of them. The Holy Spirit commanded, “set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them” (Acts 13:2). The original Eleven (plus Matthias, who replaced Judas) could not do everything. So hands were laid upon Barnabas and Paul, ordaining them as apostles to continue the mission. The work of God must go on.

The work of God must go on, and so God provides. God increased the number of the apostles, and eventually gave them successors in our bishops. The work of God, and the work of the Apostles, will never end until the Second Coming. Barnabas was part of the first link in the chain from the original Eleven to the present day. He was one of the first to carry on the ministry of the Apostles. As we look around our world, we still see much work to be done. How will you continue the ministry of Barnabas, and carry out the work of God?

  June 11th, 2020