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Michael Maher S.J.Jun 22, 2020 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

22 June 2020

Monday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

The gospel today heralds the well quoted admonition; “stop judging so that you may not be judged.” On the surface, this quote is utter nonsense since most of our lives are spent making important judgements concerning our health, our careers, and our finances. Afterall,  making a correct “judgment” is the very purpose of Ignatian discernment. The gospel today refers to the action of a judgment when that judgment renders a verdict which disables persons in their road towards God. The road towards God, as well all know, takes a few turns, twists, and frequent u-turns. Today’s gospel refers to judgements that derail progress towards God since we have all made bad judgments ourselves and therefore may not be the best “judge” of others. What we can and should judge are the best ways we can pick ourselves up and others and continue to move towards a love of God and a love of neighbor.

  June 22nd, 2020