Ignatian Reflections

16 July 2020 «

Written by Ulises Covarrubias S.J. | Jul 16, 2020 4:00:00 AM

16 July 2020

Thursday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

The readings today complement one another beautifully. The first reading from the prophet Isaiah speaks of the miserable state of humanity when left to its own devices, and, consequently, our immense longing for a God whose name our soul desires. The woefulness of our condition is best expressed in the line that says, “We conceived and writhed in pain, giving birth to wind.” What is our life without God but a painful and futile struggle that bears nothing but wind which we cannot see, and which quickly escapes us?

From Heaven the Lord looks down on earth, as the Psalm tells us and so in his infinite mercy sends us the one who is to bring us rest and salvation: Christ, who bears the load with us. Only in his meek and humble heart, will we find rest and will our labors bear fruit.

  July 16th, 2020