There were people in Jesus’ time who would be more than willing to believe in him if he showed them some extraordinary, magic-like signs. But the signs he gave were humble services for the poor, the sick, “the deplorables”. For me to be like him is to see in others what he saw. That’s a grace I’ll ask for today, to see the extraordinary in the ordinary; the grand in the usual.
Then he told the people that the sign that the sign he continues to give to the world is his Resurrection. But that took place three days after his death. It is the supreme sign of hope. The Passion is on-going; the Resurrection is to come.
Finally, in today’s Gospel, he taught the Jews that salvation was not restricted to them alone, but that he came for all people. Do I pray sufficiently for people who do not share my faith and hope? Do I pray for those who have left the Church? And, do I especially pray for young people in our fractured nation today?