Ignatian Reflections

16 October 2020 «

Written by Jon Polce S.J. | Oct 16, 2020 4:00:00 AM

16 October 2020

Memorial of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Religious

“I pray that he may grant you in accord with the riches of his glory…to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge”

Today is the memorial of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. The Lord revealed to her the devotion of his Sacred Heart. In the Gospel for today’s celebration of her day, we here Jesus speak of his yoke being offered to all who desire to know him. This yoke is a pathway to true knowledge of him. What kind of knowledge? The knowledge of the heart! This is the sense of knowing that Paul speaks about in the first reading. To know in the biblical sense is an intimate knowing of communion when persons draw close – heart to heart. The devotion of the Sacred Heart – among other things – reveals a God who doesn’t just love us, but desires to be loved by us in return. He desires that we spend time with him where heart can speak to heart in the silence of intimate communion. Today’s memorial draws us to enter into spending time with the Eucharist – at mass or in adoration – and letting the light yoke of Jesus slowly transform our hearts to be more like his and to enflame us with love of God and neighbor. Let’s pray today for the grace that St. Margaret Mary prayed for “O Jesus, permit me to enter your Heart as I would a school. In this school teach me the science of the saints, the science of pure love.”

  October 16th, 2020