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William Manaker S.J.Nov 19, 2020 12:00:00 AM1 min read

19 November 2020

Thursday of the Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time

Yesterday’s first reading from Revelation 4 offered us an image of God’s majesty and the chorus of praise that we are called to join. Today’s reading from Revelation 5 continues on a similar theme with John’s vision of the scroll with seven seals and of Christ as the Lamb That Was Slain.

John weeps and “shed[s] many tears” when at first no one is found to open the scroll that symbolizes God’s salvific plan. Although we know by faith that Christ has won the victory over sin through his death and Resurrection, we, like John in the vision, still await the final revelation of God’s victory, when God “will wipe every tear from [our] eyes” (Rev 21:4). There is a great deal of sin and evil in the world, and it is entirely appropriate that we should also weep with yearning for that day when evil will be destroyed and Christ’s victory over sin will be definitively made manifest. Yet we can also learn from John not to trust any premature, worldly promises of salvation, since it is only Christ, the Lamb that Was Slain, who can bring about the final victory. No political leader, social program, or economic theory will suffice; only Christ can.

As we go about our day, let us ask for the gift of deep yearning for the final revelation of Christ’s victory, as well as the discerning eye to recognize any false promises of salvation that are offered to us.


  November 19th, 2020