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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Dec 11, 2020 12:00:00 AM1 min read

11 December 2020

Friday of the Second Week of Advent

The Lord tells us a profound truth in the first reading today.  He tells us that he teaches us what is for our good and he leads us to grasp that good. He does so because he loves us.  Isn’t that obvious?  Does not one who truly loves another also want the good for the other?  One who loves wants the other to achieve the good.  It sounds so reasonable.  Yet, evil can pose as the good.  That our experience of sin.  In today’s Gospel, after lamenting the perversity of those who would not accept him or his message, Jesus sees their attitude similar to children playing games with fickle rules.  To criticism of prophets asserting they did not speak the truth and to John who fasted and ate unsavory food, and people said he was mad.  Jesus feasted and drank.  So, he was dubbed a drunkard.  How about each one of us?  Isn’t it true when we want to do something sinful, we can find any excuse that will justify our actions, make it seem good?  So, I will ask the Lord to enlighten us with what he said: “Yet time will prove where wisdom lies.”  Ask the Lord to be generous in giving us more time and make us less inclined to make up our own random rules in the game of life.

  December 11th, 2020