Ignatian Reflections

12 December 2020 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Dec 12, 2020 5:00:00 AM

12 December 2020

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

There is something about the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe that is reminiscent of the Visitation.  At the time of the Visitation, with the recently conceived eternal God assuming a human body in her womb, the Blessed Virgin Mary hurried off to bring comfort and Jesus to her cousin, Elizabeth.  At Guadalupe, she appeared to Juan Diego, leaving her image as a pregnant woman on his cloak, his tilma. For this reason Our Lady of Guadalupe has become the patroness of the pro-life movement in our country.  She teaches us two lessons.  First: if I pray that the Holy Spirit implants Jesus into our hearts, we will be able to bring him to others, especially those who need him most.  Second: prayerfully reflecting on her image, we should resolve to pray each day for those involved in the pro-life movement in our country. And, if possible, support them in their apostolate.  We can make this special prayer through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  At the same time, we can ask her to see to it that Juan Diego’s fellow countrymen, living and working today in our land, be kept wrapped securely in his tilma, for their spiritual and material advancement.

  December 12th, 2020