Ignatian Reflections

15 December 2020 «

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Dec 15, 2020 5:00:00 AM

15 December 2020

Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent

In our preparations for the coming of the Lord, the Gospel gives a key for preparation. Jesus addresses the chief priests and the scribes and shows them that their disbelief of John blinds them also to “the way of righteousness” by which they were to enter into the Kingdom of God. (Mt 21:31-32) They were perfectly content with their present state of righteousness, and saw no need for further transformation. Tax collectors and prostitutes, on the contrary, knowing their need for God’s grace thus prepared more for the coming of the Lord whom John proclaimed. It was tax collectors and prostitutes who were open to Jesus’ forgiveness, who welcomed the Lord into their own homes to dine with them. These are the “humble and lowly” whom Zephaniah prophesied would be left by the Lord to show the holiness with which we ought to serve Him. (Zep 3:12) What do we hope the Lord will change in us through His coming? Let us ask for the humility to recognize our need and the Lord who comes to meet us with His fullness. Let us make our own the Church’s prayer to God: “at your Son’s coming cleanse us from every stain of the old way of life”!


  December 15th, 2020