Ignatian Reflections

28 December 2020 «

Written by Jacob Boddicker S.J. | Dec 28, 2020 5:00:00 AM

28 December 2020

Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs

The innocents of Bethlehem die for the Innocent who would die for all. Rachel, buried in nearby Ephrath, laments the slaughter of her grandchildren; Mary flees to Egypt to delay the death of her Son, whose death one day would pierce her heart. An angel appears to Joseph in a dream to tell him not to be afraid to take Mary into his home (Matthew 1:20); an angel appears in another dream telling him to take both mother and child into flight. The Lord God led His people out of Egypt to save them from slavery; the Lord God was led by His people into Egypt to avoid death. Of old the Pharaoh of Egypt put Joseph in charge of his whole household, and during the famine Joseph saved his family, the chosen of God; the Lord of Heaven and Earth put Joseph in charge of His household, that the Bread of Heaven he safeguarded might save the whole human race.

In the Christ-child lay the future and hope of all humanity; our own children bear so much of our future and hopes as well. Let us cherish them, honor them, love them, that Rachel may weep no more.

  December 28th, 2020