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David Paternostro S.J.Jan 3, 2021 12:00:00 AM1 min read

3 January 2021

The Epiphany of the Lord

God’s promise to Israel has once again been vindicated. Centuries ago, God promised Israel that “nations shall walk by your light, kings by the radiance of your dawning” (Is. 60:3). God’s light shows what human wisdom cannot fathom: the value of those things which are tiny and helpless, even an infant. The Magi are guided by God’s light, and share God’s love for the helpless, when they obey the warning of their dream and resolve not to return to Herod.

Herod, on the other hand, ignores God’s light. He values human power, and because of this is threatened by human weakness. Sadly, Herod’s view is often close to our own. We value youth, vitality, and ability. The shadow side of a meritocracy is that merit defines our worth. The possibility that we may be weak or helpless becomes an existential threat to be ignored and dealt with (or “dealt with”) as needed.

Yet we will inevitably become weak, sick, and helpless. If the last year taught us anything, it is that none of us is as invincible as we might hope. The only solution is to follow the example of the Magi. We must go to the infant God and do Him homage (cf. Mt. 2:11), and find His weakness lovable. We must go to those around us who are helpless, and find their existence and infirmity not simply something we tolerate, but something we love, as God loves it. This is the light we must embrace today.

  January 3rd, 2021