Ignatian Reflections

8 January 2021 «

Written by David Paternostro S.J. | Jan 8, 2021 5:00:00 AM

8 January 2021

Friday after the Epiphany of the Lord

Whatever the leper was expecting, he almost certainly did not expect Jesus to touch him. In the Mosaic Law, to touch a leper was to render yourself unclean. He likely expected a word, or a gesture, something where Jesus would keep His distance. Instead, Jesus “touched him” (Lk. 12:13). Jesus was eager to touch the leper and have the leper know in his heart that he was loved by God. Could Jesus have healed the leper by speaking a simple word? Absolutely. But a word lacks personal presence, and Jesus wants personal presence.

Christmas and the Incarnation are about God drawing close to us. Close enough to be near and touch. We are flesh and blood creatures. A word of comfort is nice, a distant gesture of comfort can be appreciated, but an embrace warms the heart. God knows us, and God knows what we need for our hearts to be on fire for Him. As with the leper, Jesus comes to us willingly. Christmas shows how eager God is for all of us to feel His personal presence, and cherish the warmth of His love.

  January 8th, 2021