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Michael Maher S.J.Jan 20, 2021 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

20 January 2021

Wednesday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

Hypocrisy remains one of those traits that usually earns plenty of scorn. And justly so. In Canto 23 of the Inferno, Dante thought as much, consigning hypocrites to the 8th circle of hell, next the 9th, which was the lowest and the  worst. The eternal punishment meted out by Divine Justice to hypocrites entailed them walking in a circle for all eternity wearing fancy clothes that have the weight of lead. In today’s reading, Jesus illuminates the hypocrisy of those who say one thing and act in another way. Rarely do vices walk alone and it is not surprising that, in this “brood vipers,” a reference used by Jesus about hypocrites, cowardice accompanies hypocrisy. Lacking courage, this pathetic lot scheme behind Jesus’ back to bring about his demise. Jesus and Dante provide ample warnings about the avoidance of hypocrisy. In addition to our own distaste of this vice when we experience it, all these insights concerning hypocrisy and its chummy friends should give us ample encouragement for their avoidance.

  January 20th, 2021