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Michael Maher S.J.Mar 29, 2021 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

29 March 2021

Monday of Holy Week

The story told in today’s readings accounts how Mary Magdalene anointed the feet of Jesus. Protesting this expenditure, Judas notes that the money could have been spent in better ways.  This emphasis on the praise of Christ reminds me of the construction of Catholic Universities and colleges at their beginnings. By  today’s standards, the  emphasis of limited funds  on Churches and worship space would be considered by many today as poor use of resources. I would agree with most historians of culture that if one really wants to identify the values of a society, one should look not to what people say, but how they utilize the resources of money and real estate. Today’s gospel reminds us of the centrality of our need to  love of God, and God’s great love for us.

  March 29th, 2021