Throughout this week of the Easter Octave, the Church invites us to make an extended meditation on the events of Easter Sunday, as the Gospel readings each day retell some part of the Easter story.
Today’s Gospel reading from Matthew (28:8-15) offers us contrasting images of how we might respond to the grace of Easter. On the one hand, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary are “fearful yet overjoyed” at what they have seen, and when they encounter the Risen Lord, they embrace his feet and do him homage. These two women are disposed by their love for Jesus to receive the tidings of the Resurrection with joy, even if they are still fearful and do not yet understand completely.
The chief priests and elders, on the other hand, are caught up in their own designs and respond to the Resurrection as if it is a hoax. They simply refuse to believe the testimony of the guards who were there. This rejection demonstrates that the grace of Easter is not automatic; we must receive and accept it in order for it to take effect and bear fruit in us. In addition, the rejection of the elders reminds us that we will continue to encounter opposition in the light of the Resurrection, and that we should not be scandalized when we do. Today, let us ask the Lord that we might receive the grace of Easter with openness, and persevere in joy when the Gospel message faces opposition and rejection.